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Each 5 ml contains

Glycyrrhiza glabra (Dry concentrate) 426.00 mg
Acacia nilotica 210.85 mg
Ammonium chloride 80.00 mg
Thymol 2.50 mg
Cinnamon oil 10.00 uL
Clove oil 7.50 uL
Aqua distillate q.s.


Glycyrrhiza glabra (Dry concentrate) (Rub-us-soos): It helps to control respiratory problems and sore throat. Licorice eases congestion and coughing by helping to decrease swelling and thin mucous secretions. This makes the cough more productive. It brings up phlegm and other mucous bits. Licorice also helps to relax bronchial spasms. The herb also soothes soreness in the throat and fights viruses that cause respiratory illnesses and the overproduction of mucous.

Acacia nilotica (Gond Kikar): It is used for asthma, bronchitis, headache, throat infection and is known for its soothing properties on the inflamed mucous membrane and to treat cough and catarrh.

Ammonium chloride (Naushadar): Ammonium chloride is the expectorant that thins mucous.

Thymol (Sat-e-Ajwain): A well-known antibacterial essential oil, used to ward off cold and flu and other viral infections.

Cinnamon oil (Roghan-e-Darchini): It has been found to give relief within twelve hours in cases of influenza. Essential oils are effective natural preventives against many common complaints such as cough, cold and flu.

Clove oil (Roghan-e-Qaranfal): Clove oil is 60 to 90% eugenol, which is the source of antifungal, anesthetic and antiseptic properties. Clove oil helps to fight germs, viruses and bacteria and encourages the loosening of phlegm from the respiratory system. It also promotes sweating during fever, cold and flu, which is very healing. It is often used as a remedy for whooping cough.


Adults: As a prophylactic 2 teaspoonsful of Infuza may be taken at bed time in half glass of lukewarm water. In case of severity take 2 teaspoonsful 2 to 3 times a day.

Children: ½ of the recommended dose for adults in half glass of lukewarm water.

Infants: ¼ of the recommended dose for adults.


Cold, Flu, Headaches, Fever, body aches, blocked and runny nose.


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