
Arq-e-Gulab 25ml


Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 1726


Arq-e-Gulab the best skin toner and mood elevator. Its oral intake found best as mild laxative in infants, in the form of refined single herb distillate it has fewer chances for any side effects and infant’s delicate digestive system can easily tolerate.
It is best solution for children’s disturbed stomach while as skin cleanser it has antimicrobial and astringent properties to overcome oily and damaged skin by pollution and sunlight.Each 10 ml contain:

Active Ingredients



300 mg

Sorbic Acid

Rose green Flavor

3.4 mg

0.0043 ml

Effective as mild cardiac and nervine tonic.

For beautiful and glowing skin, gently rub a few drops on skin.

For Children Up to 1 Year:
5ml (1 teaspoons) twice a day.
For Children More than 1 year:
10ml (2 teaspoons) twice a day.
For Adults:
10ml (2 teaspoons) thrice a day.
OR as directed by the physician.Side Effects:
Arq-e-Gulab is a time tested herbal product and is free of any side effects.

25ml Dropper

60ml PET bottle

120ml PET bottle

800ml PET bottle

Shelf Life:
Use within 3 years from the date of manufacturing.

Keep away from sunlight and children.

You may find suspended particles in Arq-e-Gulab which are active ingredients released by the extracts and kept purposefully as they are good for health. So shake the bottle before use.

Use within one month after opening


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