
Gen-Xing Capsules


Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 1801


Gen-Xing is a tonic for energy, strength and vitality. The natural proportions of minerals in the human body play an important role in the maintenance of body physical and mental strength. In daily routine, if the minerals deficiency is not duly met, it can lead to muscular, mental, and physical debility and one shows the signs of growing old rapidly. The capsules effectively alleviate the nervous and physical weakness. Each capsule contains:

Active Ingredients


Egg shell compound

200 mg

Magnesium compound

200 mg

Zinc compound

45 mg

Berberry Ext.

50 mg

Sulphur substituted Olive oil

30 mg

Supports nervous system.
Potentiate immune system.
Improve male sexual health.
Useful in general weakness & mental weakness.
(For Adults only)
1 capsule after breakfast.
OR as directed by the physician.Side Effects:
Gen-xing capsules are time tested herbal preparation and is free of any side effects.

30 capsules blister pack (3 ×10’s).

Shelf Life:
Use within 3 years from the date of manufacturing.

Keep away from sunlight and children.


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