
Amrat Dhara


Category: Tag: Product ID: 1843


Amrat Dhara is a first aid treatment for various problems with equally good application. It is useful for abdominalgia, vomiting, indigestion, itching, toothache, headache and insect bite.Each ml contains:

English Name



400 mg

Peppermint extract

120 mg

Ajwain extract

120 mg

Fennel oil

0.12 ml

Turpentine oil

0.12 ml

Eucalyptus oil

0.12 ml

First aid treatment for various internal and external problems.
It is useful for abdominalgia, vomiting, indigestion, itching, toothache, headache and insect bite.
For internal use (abdominalgia, vomiting and indigestion):
Use 2-3 drops mixed in a glass of water
For external use (itching, burn, insect bite, headache and toothache):
Apply locally 3-4 drops on affected area with cotton
OR as directed by the physician.Side Effects:
Amrat Dhara is time tested herbal product and is free of any side effects.

10ml in HDPE Dropper

Shelf Life:
Use within 3 years from the date of manufacturing.

Keep away from sunlight and children.


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