
Arq Badian


Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 1632


Arq Badian stores the natural goodness of fennel. It is made from distillate of fennel seed and is an effective tonic for digestive system. Moreover, it has a protective effect on liver and kidneys. It affects overall health and wellbeing through influencing numerous body systems and by its anti-oxidant, gastro and hepatoprotective actionsEach 10ml Contains

English Name


Fennel Seed


Potassium Sorbate

6.7 mg

Sodium Metabisulphite

3.3 mg

Potentiates the function of heart, brain and liver.
Effective in melancholic diseases like palpitation and perplexity.
Relieves the intrinsic heat and quenches thirst. Dosage:
40ml (1/4 tea cup) twice a day.
OR as directed by the physician.

Side Effects:
Arq Gaozuban is a time tested herbal product and is free of any side effects.

240ml in PET Bottle.
800ml in PET Bottle.

Shelf Life:
Use within 3 years from the date of manufacturing.

Keep away from sunlight and children.


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