
Hamdard Joshanda 32 gm


Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 1511


It is an effective herbal remedy for Flu, Cough & Cold particularly in chronic cases.


Each pouch contains:

Cardia latifolia 6 gm Onosma bracteatum 5 gm
Zizyphlus jujube 5 pcs Malva sylvestris 3 gm
Viola odorata 5 gm Althaea officinalis 3 gm
Glycyrrhiza glabra 5 gm


Cardia latifolia: It is useful for the thoracic region has soothing effects on larynx and also acts as an expectorant of phlegm.

Zizyphlus jujube: It renders the viscid humors refined and eliminates unwanted matters or waste products through their aperient and demulcent activity.

Viola odorata: It has antipyretic and febrifuge activity.

Glycyrrhiza glabra: It is effective in hoarseness of voice, irritation of larynx, and sore throat.

Onosma bracteatum: It is effective in cases of bronchitis and asthma.

Malva sylvestris: It is effective in pulmonary complaints such as dry cough, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness of voice, as demulcent and febrifuge in fever.

Althaea officinalis: It acts as an expectorant for cough and relieves pharynx and chest congestion.


Boil the contents of the pack well in 250 mL (approx: one glass) water strain and take it while hot.


Common cold, cough, flu, nasal congestion, and sore throat.


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