
Pileen Pills


Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 1615


Pileen tablets are useful in piles and related complications. Neglect of proper diet and lifestyle habits ends in reducing digestive fire or making it abnormal. It means inability to digest food material with proper pace and time leading to accumulation or stagnation of half-digested food material in the form of stool inside, or expelling it before time in watery or semisolid form, which disturbs at ano-rectal region.Each Tablet Contains:

English Name


Berberry Ext

22.43 mg

Neem Seed

22.43 mg

Persian Lilac Seed

22.43 mg

Radish Seed

22.43 mg

Neem Bark

22.43 mg

Red Ochre

22.43 mg

Sulphur (Purified)

22.43 mg

Leek Seed

22.43 mgEffective herbal preparation for piles.
Stops bleeding of hemorrhoids.
Relieves inflammation, pain and constipation
2 tablets thrice a day with water.
OR as directed by the physician.Side Effects:
Pileen Tablet is time tested herbal product and is free of any side effects.

50 tablets in HDPE Jar

500 tablets in HDPE Jar

Shelf Life:
Use within 3 years from the date of manufacturing.

Keep away from sunlight and children.


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