
Qarahine 25 Sachets


Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 1587


Qarahine is an effective Unani medication for the management of peptic and gastric ulcers. It is the result of continued research on Unani ingredients by Hamdard. It is quite helpful in the management of acute and chronic gastritis, amoebic and bacillary dysentery & diarrhea. It helps & reduces stomach acid release & also helps in protecting the mucosal lining of the stomach and intestine.


Protects the gastrointestinal mucosal lining and strengthens the stomach.
It also helps in the healing of gastric & peptic ulcers.
It also helps and stimulates the immune system.
It also minimizes the chances of bleeding from ulcers.
It helps and effectively reduces the effects of food poisoning.
It helps in healing stomach ulcers.


Each 3 gm sachet contains

Glycyrrhiza glabra 1.846 gm
Cochlospermum Gossypium 0.615 gm
Pistacia lentiscus 0.309 gm
Red ochre 0.102 gm
Hydrated magnesium silicate: 0.050 gm
Lapis lazuli: 0.039 gm
Silicate of magnesia & ferrum: 0.039 gm
Excipients q.s.


Glycyrrhiza glabra: It is used for irritation, inflammation, and spasm in the digestive tract

Cochlospermum Gossypium: It is used as sedative, stimulant, and is used in gonorrhea, jaundice, cough, trachoma, syphilis etc.

Pistacia lentiscus: Pistacia Lentiscus: It has the properties of appetitive, aphrodisiac and it is a tonic for urogenital organs.


Peptic & Gastric ulcer: One sachet in the morning before breakfast, while the second and third sachets ten minutes before lunch and dinner with water or as directed by the physician.


Gastric & peptic ulcers.


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