
Somina 120 gm


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Hamdard Somina is a formulation of kernels and seeds powder that helps in energizing and restoring CNS functions. It relieves mental exhaustion, fatigue and insomnia. It is beneficial for anxiety, depression and restlessness.

It is a nutritive remedy for the brain and tensed nervous system. Mental disorders commonly occur throughout the world and anxiety has been pointed out as a common mental health problem. Depression is the most common mental illness that can disturb sound sleep. It is a natural medicine to induce refreshing and sound sleep.


Each 10 gm contains:

Sesamum indicum 1.46 gm
Prunus amygdalus 1.29 gm
Lagenaria vulgaris 1.00 gm
Lactuca sativa 0.83 gm


Sesamum indicum (Sesame seeds): It is nourishing, aphrodisiac & resolvent of inflammation. Sesamum is among the seeds rich in quality vitamins, and minerals. It is a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as niacin (B3), folic acid, thiamin (B1), pyridoxine (B6), and riboflavin (B2). Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium and copper are especially concentrated in sesamum seeds. Many of these minerals have a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme synthesis, hormone production as well as regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.

Prunus amygdalus (Almond): It is nutritive for the brain and a nervine tonic. Almonds are a source of vitamin E, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, and high quality protein. Almonds also contain high levels of healthy unsaturated fatty acids in addition to a lot of bioactive molecules (such as fiber, phytosterols, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants) which may help to prevent cardiovascular (heart) diseases.

Lagenaria vulgaris (Kadu): It is a good source of thiamine (B1), niacin (B-3), pantothenic acid (B-5), pyridoxine (B-6) and minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, manganese and magnesium.

Lactuca sativa (Lettuce seeds): It helps to reduce bilious heat, quench thirst and induce sleep. Seeds extract is useful against nervousness, palpitation, insanity and melancholy. It is also effective in insomnia.


As a brain tonic, 2 teaspoonsful in the morning and 2 teaspoonsful at night.

For insomnia: Adult: 2 teaspoonsful with water or milk at night for sound sleep.

For anxiety state: Adult: 2 teaspoonsful in the morning and 2 teaspoonsful in the afternoon or as directed by the physician.


Depression, insomnia, restlessness and anxiety.


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