
Tunsukh 175 mL


Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 1560


It is a herbal preparation that helps and restores the functional balance of the body by providing essential nutrients. Tunsukh helps to bring balance to your body and is helpful in cases of general weakness, loss of appetite, relieves mental fatigue, and improves digestion mental and physical fatigue.

It is a natural ingredients-based syrup par excellence that restores the functional balance of the body by providing essential nutrients. It also helps to promote the formation of quality blood, exhilarates heart, strengthens brain and keeps the body fit.


Each 5 ml contains:

Aloe barbadensis pulp 480.00 mg Amomum subulatum 4.218 mg
Cinamomum zeylanicum 6.825 mg Pimpinella anisum 4.218 mg
Elettaria cardamomum 4.968 mg Omcimum basilicum 4.218 mg
Bombyx mori 4.718 mg Santalum album 4.218 mg
Cymbopogon jwarancusa 4.218 mg Valeriana officinalis 4.218 mg
Parmelia perlata 4.218 mg Bambusa arundinacea 4.218 mg
Salvia haematodes 4.218 mg Doronicum hookeri 4.218 mg
Pistacia vera 4.218 mg Zingiber zerumbet 4.218 mg
Citrus medica 4.218 mg Cinnamomum tamala 4.218 mg
Asparagus racemosus 4.218 mg Cyperus rotundus 4.218 mg
Coriandrum sativum 4.218 mg Pyrethrum indicum 4.218 mg
Rosa damascena 4.218 mg Syzygium aromaticum 2.355 mg
Onosma bracteatum 4.218 mg Onosma bracteatum 4.218 mg
Cinnamomum cassia 4.218 mg Onosma bracteatum 2.109 mg
Nepeta hindostana 2.109 mg Punica granatum 30.00 µL
Crocus sativus 0.20 mg Pyrus malus 30.00 µL
Ambra grasea 0.20 mg Sweetening agents & preservatives


Aloe vera (pulp): It has many health benefits that cannot only boost immunity but may also slow down the aging process and helps to keep your digestive system running smoothly.

Punica granatum: It is a rich source of vitamins and helps to prevent anemic conditions.

Pyrus malus: It is antioxidant, decreases lipid oxidation, and lower LDL cholesterol.

Elettaria cardamomum: It has carminative properties.

Bombyx mori: It is used as a restorative tonic and as an exhilarant and cardiac tonic.


Adults: 2 teaspoonsful twice a day preferably after meal.

Children: 1 teaspoonful twice a day preferably after meal or as directed by the physician.


General weakness, loss of appetite, malnutrition, mental and physical fatigue, gastrointestinal tract disorders and weak immune system.


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